The Financial Services Commission (FSC) was established on August 2, 2001, through the enactment of
the Financial Services Commission Act, marking a pivotal moment in Jamaica’s
financial regulatory landscape. It emerged as a successor to the Office of the
Superintendent of Insurance (OSI) and Unit Trusts and the Securities
In the late 1990s (1996-1999), Jamaica’s financial sector
faced significant challenges, prompting government intervention to support
several institutions during a period of instability.
These circumstances catalyzed a series of reforms and
recommendations aimed at enhancing the oversight and governance of the
financial sector. The establishment of the FSC under the Financial Services
Commission Act was a crucial step towards effectively regulating Jamaica’s
insurance, pension, and securities industries.
As a self-financing regulatory authority, the FSC was
endowed with broad powers to supervise, investigate, and enforce regulations
within its purview. In response to the lessons learned from the crisis, the FSC
initially prioritized prudential supervision, focusing on aspects such as
solvency, robust internal controls, risk management, and corporate governance
within regulated institutions.
The FSC’s mandate encompasses the supervision of licensees
under the FSC, Insurance, Securities, and Unit Trusts Acts, as well as
oversight of private Pension Plans through the Pensions (Superannuation Funds
and Retirement Schemes) Act of 2004. Additionally, the FSC supervises
registered trustees, licensed administrators, and investment managers of
private pension plans, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the stability and
integrity of Jamaica’s financial landscape.
The Commission has responsibility for the licensing and the
ongoing supervision of individuals, firms, and corporate entities that provide
corporate and/or trust services under the Trust and Corporate Services
Providers Act, 2017 (the “TCSP Act”) and the Trust and Corporate Services
Providers (Licensing and Operations) Regulations, 2022, both of which were
brought into effect on April 25, 2022. The FSC has also been designated as the
Competent Authority with respect to persons who provide a trust service or a
corporate service.
Collaborating with the Bank of Jamaica, which oversees
deposit-taking institutions, including banks, building societies, and trust
companies, the FSC forms a critical component of Jamaica’s comprehensive
financial sector supervision framework.
To fulfill its mandate effectively, the FSC has
strategically organized specialist divisions dedicated to areas such as
Insurance, Securities, Pensions, Investigations & Enforcement, Legal
Services, Research and Policy, Actuarial Services, Registration, Corporate and
Trust Services, Internal Audit and Risk Management, and Corporate Services.
This organizational structure underscores the FSC’s commitment to promoting
professionalism and regulatory excellence across the industries it regulates,
reflecting its evolution into a cornerstone of Jamaica’s financial regulatory