Executive Director’s Opening Remarks – World Investor Week 2017

On behalf of the Financial Services Commission (FSC), its Management and Staff, I welcome you to today’s Youth Forum on Entrepreneurship and Personal Finance. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our speakers for accepting the FSC’s invitation to share their thoughts on their journey as entrepreneurs and their insight on personal finance. I am also pleased to see the enthusiastic and curious faces of our young people and I anticipate that this will be a very worthwhile and rewarding experience for them.

This Youth Forum is one of three strategic initiatives to commemorate World Investor Week (WIW), which runs from October 2 to 8, 2017. World Investor Week is a global campaign by the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection and to highlight the various global initiatives in these two critical areas. The FSC is working alongside regulators in 80 other jurisdictions and Executive Director’s Opening Remarks – FSC Youth Forum, October 2017 Page 1 of 5 particularly our Caribbean counterparts, who are part of IOSCO’s International Forum for Financial Education (IFIE) network. Since 2013, the FSC has been collaborating with IFIE to focus on developing programmes on Financial Capability/Investor Education (FC/IE) within the Caribbean context.

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